Holistic Root Causes and Risk Analysis, LLC
We provide expertise and consulting services in the field of non-financial risk management, root cause analysis and risk analysis.
We are dedicated to helping you get more out of your Root Cause Analyses and Risk Analyses – beyond “just preventing recurrence”.
At Holistic RCA, we help our clients identify inherent risks in projects, processes and equipment, and to look beyond “past incidents”.
We help you identify and develop mitigations to improve your systems as a whole. Holistic mitigations reduce risk in more than one chain of causes and prevent more than one kind of potential failures.
We help your teams see and capture more of the systemic learnings that incidents and close calls/near misses offer, and help you discover harder-to-see risks, and find solutions that work.
We are located in the Seattle area, where we are available for providing on-site support. We are also available to support remotely, wherever you are.
Read more about our story here.